
In this section we'll see some techniques that we can use to optimize our data fetching. But before we start we need to add more fields to our API.

Currently we are only able to fetch a list of podcasts and a single podcast. We'll add a field to fetch the latest episodes (globally) and we'll see how we can prevent issues like N+1 queries.

The Episode type

Let's start by adding a new type to our API. We'll be adding a new type called Episode that will represent a single episode.

We'll be adding it to api/podcasts/ and it will look like this:

from datetime import datetime

import strawberry

from db import models

class Podcast:
    id: strawberry.ID
    title: str
    description: str

    def from_db(cls, db_podcast: models.Podcast) -> "Podcast":
        return cls(

class Episode:
    id: strawberry.ID
    title: str
    notes: str
    published_at: datetime
    podcast_id: strawberry.Private[str]

    async def podcast(self) -> Podcast:
        from db import data

        db_podcast = await data.find_podcast_by_id(self.podcast_id)

        assert db_podcast is not None

        return Podcast.from_db(db_podcast)

    def from_db(cls, db_episode: models.Episode) -> "Episode":
        return cls(
            podcast_id=db_episode.podcast_id,  # type: ignore

There's a couple of things to notice here:

  1. we are using the strawberry.Private type to mark the podcast_id field as private. This means that it won't be exposed in the GraphQL schema. We are using it because we don't want to expose the podcast_id field in the GraphQL schema, we want to expose the podcast field instead.
  2. we are using the strawberry.field decorator to define the podcast field. This is because we need to fetch the podcast from the database, and if we did that in the from_db method we would be doing a database query for each episode, even if the client hasn't requested the podcast field.

Adding the new query

Now that we have the Episode type we can add a new query to fetch the latest episodes.

We'll be adding it to api/podcasts/ and it will look like this:

class PodcastsQuery:
    # ... keep the other fields

    async def latest_episodes(self, last: int = 5) -> List[Episode]:
        episodes = await data.find_latest_episodes(last=last)

        return [Episode.from_db(episode) for episode in episodes]

Note: we aren't using the relay pagination here to keep things simple for this workshop.

Testing the query

Now that we have the new query we can test it in GraphiQL.

We can run the following query:

  latestEpisodes {

and we should get the latest 5 episodes. Let's change the query to also fetch the podcast and its title:

  latestEpisodes {
    podcast {

Nice! We can see that we are able to fetch the data about the podcast in a single GraphQL query, and when we are not fetching the podcast we are not doing any (additional) database queries.

Unfortunately when we are fetching the podcast we are doing a database query for each episode. This is because we are fetching the podcast in the podcast field, and we are doing that for each episode.

In the next section we'll see how we could use the information about the GraphQL operation to optimize the query.